Batman Animated Movie

Batman, American animater movie

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (also known as Batman: The Animated Movie) is a 1993 animated superhero film based on the fictional DC Comics character Batman. Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm directed the film, which stars Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as the Joker, as well as Dana Delany, Hart Bochner, Abe Vigoda, and Stacy Keach. The film's storyline introduces Andrea Beaumont, an old love interest of Bruce Wayne, who returns to Gotham City, restarting their romance. At the same time, a mysterious killer begins systematically eliminating Gotham's crime bosses, and due to the person's dark appearance, he is mistaken for Batman. Now on the run, Batman must apprehend the killer and deal with the romance between himself and Andrea.
Development for the film started after the success of Batman: The Animated Series. Warner Bros. assigned Alan Burnett to write the story, and Burnett collaborated with writers Paul Dini, Michael Reaves, and Martin Pasko. The original idea was to release the film as direct-to-video, but the studio decided for a theatrical release, giving the filmmakers a strenuous eight-month schedule. Mask of the Phantasm was released with positive critical success, but resulted in a dismal box office due to the decision to release the film in theaters on such short notice. The film has since found cult success through its various VHS and DVD releases.
Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

Mask of the phantasm

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